Review | Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard

Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot

[UPDATED: I’ve added an audio clip provided by Macmillan Audio]

After reading, and liking,  Killing Lincoln by Bill O’Reilly, I thought I’d give Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot a go. I’m so glad I did, I really liked it.

This book tells the history of President Kennedy’s life from the time he took office, to shortly after his assassination. While following the life of Kennedy it also takes a look at the life of Lee Harvey Oswald and some of the reasoning as to why he may have decided to kill Kennedy. In addition to the interesting information about President Kennedy and Oswald, learning about the Kennedy family itself was fascinating. From President Kennedy’s scandalous behavior with women to Jackie O.’s fashion and social sense, there’s a lot in the book to pull you in.

O’Reilly and Dugard do a great job making history informative, engaging, and easy-to-read for the masses. I think the book would provide a great discussion for a book group. The content of the book seemed very non-partisan and I believe both conservatives and liberals will enjoy it. I listened to the audio version of the book; it’s read by O’Reilly and he does a great job with it.

[Listen to a clip of Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot, read by Bill O’Reilly here]


Overall rating

Parent’s guide:

  • Sex: light description of Kennedy’s affairs, though it’s not explicit
  • Violence: the description of Kennedy’s shooting and what happens shortly after is fairly gory
  • Language: there may be some quotations that contain swear words


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