Book Review | Invasive by Chuck Wendig

If you’re ever on the Cape Verdian island of Fogo during the fall, you will find every tree branch and every power line is an anchor point for the web of an Argiope spider. Sometimes dozens of spiders will connect their webs to the webs of other spiders, creating a wall of spider webs. Unlike […]

Book Review: 500 Ways to Write Harder by Chuck Wendig

Previous to 500 Ways To Write Harder I’d never read anything by Chuck Wendig, and I still may never. But if you’re looking to kick-start your writing habits, Wendig has the weirdest, most energetic, and, well, most kick butt ways of telling you to write…harder. Yes, harder. It’s a fun, foul-mouthed list of 500 thoughts, insights […]

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