Guns and Rock n’ Roll versus Evil: Hellhound on my Trail by D.J. Butler

I have been known to use hyperbole. I have also been known to love two books with equal passion even when they have absolutely nothing in common, whether one be a time-tested classic (like, say, Anna Karenina) and the second all fun (think Larry Correia). I use no hyperbole, then, when I say that D.J. Butler hits the […]

Review | Hard Magic by Larry Correia

If you’ve enjoyed Larry Correia’s Monster Hunter International series, then you’ll love Hard Magic, the first of his series set in an alternative 1930s America, where for just over seventy years (since the 1860s) magic has begun to manifest in random people around the world. Some become stronger, others can walk through walls, and still […]

Review | The Lost Gate by Orson Scott Card

Danny North knew from early childhood that his family was different, and that he was different from them. While his cousins were learning how to create the things that commoners called fairies, ghosts, golems, trolls, werewolves, and other such miracles that were the heritage of the North family, Danny worried that he would never show […]

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