The Water that Falls on You from Nowhere by John Chu is not Scifi

The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere by John Chu is not scifi. Clever, maybe, but Hugo worthy? There’s something clever about this story. Water that falls on you from nowhere…when you are fibbing. The conceit is the narrator is an in the closet gay, at least to his parents, and without the ability […]

I, Robot by Isaac Asimov: Modern Scifi Owes a Debt

I, Robot. Is there a selection from the golden age of science fiction that better epitomizes the era? There’s no doubt that Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot is a science fiction classic. Complete with the three laws of robotics, it casts a tall shadow over almost every work of science fiction, book or movie, and you hear […]

Hugo Nominee: The Lady Astronaut of Mars by Mary Robinette Kowal

One of the podcasts I listen to in my spare time (or rather, while I’m mowing the lawn or doing laundry or in the car, because really: who has spare time?) is Writing Excuses, which includes Mary Robinette Kowal. She is the author of the Glamourist Histories, which I hear is something like Pride and […]

Review | Schlock Mercenary: Under New Management by Howard Tayler

Schlock Mercenary: Under New Management, and its author Howard Tayler, is unlike anything I’ve ever read before. Wait–hold that thought. It’s not completely true. Yes, it’s unique, a veritable cornucopia of creative energy and humor, entertaining and–dare I say?–educational at the same time. But it is also reminiscent, in so many happy ways, of the […]

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