Short Review | Words on Fire by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Words on Fire by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Words on Fire by Jennifer A. Nielsen

This summer our 12-year-old started a book club with her friends. I expected them to settle on something more fantastical–maybe Brandon Mull or Jessica Day George. Instead, they chose a more serious-looking story, Words on Fire by Jennifer A. Nielsen, about a young girl in Lithuania in the late 1800s. I was intrigued and decided to try it for myself.

It was a time when Russia occupied and dominated the country, repressing their culture in an effort to make them integrate into the Russian Empire. Audra’s parents live quietly and keep her secluded, whispering secrets to each other. Then one day, the Cossacks come to arrest her parents, and Audra’s world changes forever. She will have to adapt, to find courage, and to decide whether to resist or to only survive.

Despite the simplicity of the story, I found myself enjoying the adventure. There’s something refreshing about seeing the conflict of freedom versus oppression through the eyes of a young person. None of the grey complexities of the world are here, and it is clear who is good and who is bad, and set against a world where the values defended are literacy, knowledge, faith, and, well, books.

And you know how I feel about books and their importance to the mind, the soul, and to our culture.

It’s a good read, appropriate to kick off a 12-year-old’s book club. You might suggest it to your tweenager’s book club with some amount of confidence that it’ll be both on point and satisfying.

Words on Fire Book Cover Words on Fire
Jennifer A. Nielsen
Juvenile Literature
Scholastic Press
October 1, 2019

Danger is never far from Audra's family farm in Lithuania. She always avoids the occupying Russian Cossack soldiers, who insist that everyone must become Russian -- they have banned Lithuanian books, religion, culture, and even the language. But Audra knows her parents are involved in something secret and perilous.In June 1893, when Cossacks arrive abruptly at their door, Audra's parents insist that she flee, taking with her an important package and instructions for where to deliver it. But escape means abandoning her parents to a terrible fate.As Audra embarks on a journey to deliver the mysterious package, she faces unimaginable risks, and soon she becomes caught up in a growing resistance movement. Can joining the underground network of book smugglers give Audra a chance to rescue her parents?
About Daniel

Dan Burton lives in Millcreek, Utah, where he practices law by day and everything else by night. He reads about history, politics, science, medicine, and current events, as well as more serious genres such as science fiction and fantasy.

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