Book Thoughts | How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life by Scott Adams

This book is appropriately named, though perhaps another subtitle could be added: “or how to fake it until you make it.” Scott Adams is known best for Dilbert, a “satirical office humor about a white-collar, micromanaged office featuring engineer Dilbert as the title character” (to quote Wikipedia). After listening to his story in How to […]

Book Review: 500 Ways to Write Harder by Chuck Wendig

Previous to 500 Ways To Write Harder I’d never read anything by Chuck Wendig, and I still may never. But if you’re looking to kick-start your writing habits, Wendig has the weirdest, most energetic, and, well, most kick butt ways of telling you to write…harder. Yes, harder. It’s a fun, foul-mouthed list of 500 thoughts, insights […]

The Book of Nurturing by Linda and Richard Eyre is My Favorite Parenting Book

We received this The Book of Nurturing as a gift from my parents back before we had children. Mom and Dad have always been big fans of the Eyres, allegedly raising us based on the stuff they picked up from the Eyre’s many books. We read it, found it interesting, and decided it was all […]

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