Author Guest Post | James A. Moore on writing Seven Forges

SEVEN FORGES, my latest novel, is a sword and sorcery story. Before Robert E. Howard came along and wrote stories of Conan the Barbarian and King Kull, the genre of sword and sorcery fantasy didn’t even exist. Most of the tales along those lines had been fictitious adventures set in a more realistic version of […]

Advance Copy Review | Seven Forges by James A. Moore

Seven Forges is a roaring adventure, full of larger than life characters and cultures, in a world full of exotic peoples, magicks, and gods. And it’s a violent world, too, full of political intrigues, deadly diplomacy, and treacherous allies. Moore’s the story adeptly raises the stakes and dangers from every direction. If you’re looking for […]

Recent acquisitions at Attack of the Books!

Over the last few weeks, Attack of the Books! has been lucky to receive a few new reads, not all of which I am sure will get a review in the near future. I mean, we love to read, but there are only so many hours in the day, right? Also, don’t forget to go […]

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