An Afterword to My Journey Through Ender’s Game

Sixteen book reviews and one movie review later, Attack of the Books contributor Stephen Olson says goodbye to the Enderverse… for now. Here are his closing thoughts–his Afterword, if you will–on the series, on reading order of the novels, opinions, what is still to come. Afterword Having submersed myself in the world of Ender’s Game […]

Review | Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card

Editor’s Note: This is the thirteenth in Stephen Olson’s series of posts on Orson Scott Card’s award winning Ender’s Game novels. You can find his other posts on the Ender’s Game series here. After a long journey, the patient reader eventually gets to Children of the Mind, currently the last book chronologically in the Ender series.  I first read it after […]

Review | Xenocide by Orson Scott Card

Editor’s Note: This is the twelfth in Stephen Olson’s series of posts on Orson Scott Card’s award winning Ender’s Game novels. You can find his other posts on the Ender’s Game series here. Whenever I start reading the Ender’s Game series, I immediately feel a sense of dread because this means I’ve started down a road that eventually leads through the longest […]

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