Archives for March 2014

Book Review | The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbriath (pseudonym), J.K.Rowling

The long and short of this is not so long or short.  First off, Robert Galbraith, if you hadn’t already heard six months ago, is J.K. Rowling. Second, The Cuckoo’s Calling looks, sounds, and reads NOTHING like J.K.Rowling. There are no wizards, no witches, no muggles, no quiditch matches, no horcruxes, or any magic whatsoever. […]

Book Review | City of the Saints by D.J. Butler

If there were a genre for a book that includes the Old West, an alternate American history, a rebel Mormon kingdom, a slave-free Confederacy, more than a bit of steam punk, fantasy, and an all star cast of historical-larger-than-life-and-truth-is-stranger-than-fiction characters, I don’t know what it would be called, but City of the Saints by D.J. Butler has […]

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