Harry Potter’s 20th Birthday: On magic, youth, and reading the series to my kids

There’s nothing quite like rediscovering Harry Potter through the eyes of children. Like most readers of my generation, I enjoyed the books of the Harry Potter series as they were released (mostly, at least…I missed the first couple while on my mission). I read the Sorcerer’s Stone over a Christmas break during college when I […]

Brief Book Review | The Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

Do I need to put a summary? Who hasn’t read it? This certainly isn’t the first occasion I’ve had to read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, but this time I enjoyed it through the eyes of my daughters (7 and 4). It’s almost, but not quite, too old for them, and I’m sure that […]

Book Review | The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbriath (pseudonym), J.K.Rowling

The long and short of this is not so long or short.  First off, Robert Galbraith, if you hadn’t already heard six months ago, is J.K. Rowling. Second, The Cuckoo’s Calling looks, sounds, and reads NOTHING like J.K.Rowling. There are no wizards, no witches, no muggles, no quiditch matches, no horcruxes, or any magic whatsoever. […]

What’s in a name? Talent or dumb luck?

What do you do if you’re a world famous author whose writing is inseparably connected with a certain brand?  A horror writer who wants to know if his success is due to talent or luck? A writer of teen fantasy involving a school for child wizards who wants to explore her abilities without the help […]

The Psychology of Abandonment, according to Goodreads

Goodreads asks an interesting question: Why do readers abandon books? In the Goodread’s data, based on the books that are most often shelved by its users as ‘abandoned,’ ‘did not finish,’ or ‘unfinished,’ the following were the most abandoned books: The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling  Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James Eat, Pray, Love by […]

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